Leaf Mulching day @ the Viewfield Community Orchard
We had a brilliant day at the Orchard on Sunday – the leaf bays were emptied and compacted and the Viewfield was picked clean of leaves by our fantastic volunteers. We caned up the raspberries, gave the orchard a good tidy and mulched all the trees and herb beds! The mulch is free for the taking so head along and help yourselves to the pile beside the bays at the Viewfield. A huge thank you to everyone who came along and made this possible, without the hard work and dedication from our volunteers this would not have been possible. A special thank you to Robbie Barron who came along with his ride on lawnmower and Gordon Shearer who saved us a lot of work with his digger, it’s looking like we might have one more day of leaf collecting this year and we’ll let you know the dates shortly!
Aspiring green thumb? If you would like to help out at the orchard, or with Green Hive in general, take a look at our facebook page to see what’s happening and send us a message, or pop us an email to nre@greenhive.co.uk