Our legal name is Nairn River Enterprise. We operate as “Green Hive”. This summarises our aims – to do all we can to promote our environment, protect and improve our green spaces, focusing on action, learning and community connections.
Our guiding principles are
Community led
Not for personal profit
Action orientated
Environmentally sustainable
To create
Pride in Nairn
Sustainable economic development
Jobs and volunteering opportunities
Learning and development opportunities
Since our formation Green Hive has launched a number of environmental volunteering projects – more than 25 events in the 9 months to April 2018. Through our SEPA-registered community leaf mulching project, Nairn Viewfield community orchard, litter picks, fabric up-cycling project and “Art is Rubbish” competitions, we have made a practical commitment to the local environment.
All of our projects are conceived, developed and implemented by volunteers. Our board and membership are all voluntary and their decision making is steered by the feedback and consultation with our wider network of volunteers. Our ambition is to grow the community assets of our town, both physical assets such as community orchards and skills assets such as sewing and gardening, especially for those living in areas of deprivation.
Our immediate objective is to use the resources we already have to continue making an impact in Nairn and build our support and capacity to deliver.
Our longer term objective is to establish a community hub where people can meet up and think through ideas; a hub which includes a retail outlet to sell upcycled goods collected from the area, a workshop and store where the goods are brought, renewed and upcycled and where people can learn new skills and find routes to employment.