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Highland Climate Festival Events 2022


Updated: Aug 5, 2022

The Highland Climate Festival will celebrate and engage communities throughout the region in climate action. Celebrating the work already existing in our communities, businesses, and public sector, engaging in new activities and with new audiences from engaging in simple actions to sharing more significant work through a series of local in person and regional online events over the period 25th June – 3rd July 2022.

At Green Hive we’re excited to be hosting 3 events during Highland Climate Week 2022 in Nairn.

Full details of all the events we are hosting:


What really happens to our plastic waste once we put it in the recycling bin?

In the last few years the plastic pollution crisis has become an international scandal. But the plastic packaging industry has declared it knows how to solve the problem: recycling. Increasingly, bottles, boxes and sachets are proudly stamped with the words ‘100% recyclable’ as brands compete to reassure consumers that their packaging purchases are guilt-free. But if recycling is really the solution, why is the world pumping out more virgin plastic than ever before? Could recycling really be the ultimate greenwash? We follow the money into an industry that’s designed to hide the problem rather than solve it.

We track the black-market brokers who hunt for countries to dump our plastic, waste moguls getting rich by burning trash, and the organised criminals for whom waste smuggling is now as lucrative as human trafficking. As we all pick up the bill for a world drowning in plastic, the film asks: who is getting rich?


Shown with kind permission from at Green Hive Workshop.

Showing at 6pm Friday 24th June at Green Hive Workshop, 9A2 Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn IV12 5QW.

Limited spaces, email for free ticket. Part of the Highland Climate Festival 2022.


- Only a fraction of the plastic we use is actually recycled. Since the 1950’s, only 9% of plastic has been recycled. - Our plastic waste is no longer shipped off to Southeast Asia, since the Basel Directive has banned the export of plastic to developing countries. Instead, a lot of plastic ends up in Eastern Europe and Turkey - Western and Northern Europe also largely rely on incinerating waste, conveniently labelling it “Waste to Energy Recovery”. But, at the end of the day, burning plastic, which is made from fossil fuels, is just like burning coal or oil. - As our demand for oil and gas goes down, the supply of plastic is planned to go up, especially in emerging markets. It's been estimated that plastic production is expected to double in the next 20 years.

28th June, 10am - Himalayan Balsam Bashing

We will be focusing on our local environment, with this event based on spotting and managing invasive non-native plant species on the 28th June

We will be heading out to Nairn's riverside with a team of volunteers to spend 4 hours clearing groves of Himalayan Balsam, to help promote native biodiversity through education and conservation work.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn about conservation work, whilst getting a light workout! Pulling balsam is a great activity for people of all ages and abilities and it makes a real, tangible difference to our green spaces and waterways.

Please book the above events here

30th June at 11am - Green Hive Plastic Recycling Workshop

Learn how to identify plastics and create artisan items through our tried and tested creation process with Andy - get signed off to use our workshop machinery and gain experience whilst you're at it! Everything you make helps save waste from landfill and repurposes single waste plastic into a handcrafted item that can be recycled again and again!

Please book online

We look forward to seeing you during the week and taking climate action.


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