At Nairn River Enterprise we want to promote awareness of the environment, climate change and the importance of sustainable energy. We want to play a part in improving our local environment, doing things which make people feel better about their lives here, make them proud to live here and along the way if we can, help create routes to employment for local people. We want to be ‘hands on’ and do practical things. We want to do these things with fun and enjoyment for all.
So, we are launching Green Hive – “Green” because we’re interested in green issues; “hive” ‘cos we want to get busy and do stuff. Green Hive is a “hive of activity” for various local green projects that benefit the environment and the people of Nairn, where local people design, manage, deliver and achieve local projects.
We’d like to start up a Nairn based “upcycling” project where things like furniture, computers and bikes are collected, refurbished and then sold at affordable prices. We think it might be good to do more litter picks and we have ideas for a food waste project. We’re about to launch a another litter pick, this time in Viewfield and one in Balmakeith. We have permission to start a leaf mulching and composting project. We’re working out the details of a Handy Neighbour scheme which we’d like to start in October.
But we want to be sure we’re doing the things that matter most to local people, so we want your help to identify them. Then we’ll work out those things we can realistically achieve – and keep going – with your support. We’ll be out and about at events across the summer looking for your views and we’ll be posting a questionnaire on-line soon.