Fiona Russell, Director of Fabrik Magik in Inverness, reached out to Green Hive recently to ask if we would be able to make use of fabrics that they no longer have use for as they are closing their business, noting that ' it would give a great buzz knowing that it’s all going to a worthwhile cause.'
As you can imagine we were more than delighted to say yes to such an amazing offer.

With such a generous addition to our existing zero waste fabric store we have decided to hold a special Spring Open pop-up sale of fabric in Seaman's Hall on Saturday 20th April from 2 - 4pm.
Refreshments will be available at the Hall courtesy of Heilan Brew, and we hope that you will be able to come along to purchase some fabric for a donation to Green Hive, and then later on to send us a picture of what you have made as an inspiration for others.
We are also partnering for this event with the NHS Highland Community Engagement team who will have representatives from other health and support providers available on the day.
More details to follow, but in the meantime mark the date in your calendar.