We’re now holding fortnightly workshops, learning to make the Bumble Bags we posted about back in July. The free workshops are something of an exploration, testing out the ideal style which is easiest to make, sourcing materials, learning how to use the machines and so on. All skills are welcome whether novice or expert. We’re grateful to have both already, learning the 100 year old machines we’ve got, passing on their store of expertise and all having a good time too.
In the long run we’d like to help reduce the use of plastic bags in Nairn by offering businesses and individuals a reliable, attractive and re-usable alternative. Once we’ve got together samples of the bags we aim to make we’ll be approaching local retailers to see if they’ll adopt our bags as the alternative to plastic.
People have been fantastic so far – we’ve received donations of machines and surplus materials (including old samplers from Clarks). The bags made at our very first one look great – just got to sort out our preferred styles and the best process for making loads.

The next workshop is on Saturday 9th from 11 am until 4 pm.