We hope you all enjoyed the start of the New Year, we have returned to the office and we are off to a flying start with getting the calendar filled in for events over the next 12 months! What’s New? We have added an “Upcoming events” widget to right hand side of the homepage of the website which gives you a quick summary of what we have coming up in the immediate future, we’ll also keep you in the loop each month with our newsletter, blog posts and social media shares, so watch this space!
Here’s how January is shaping up so far:

This week we have the first New Friends and Natter of the year on Friday 17/01 at 10am – 1pm, and the first Bumblebags session on Saturday 18/01 from 11am-2pm. Caroline is looking to get your input on how you are enjoying these activities and working out ways to implement your suggestions into these two fantastic events. Andy and his expert team of workshop wizards are almost ready to start reforming waste plastic into artisan products, drop in and see him if you have time to spare on a Thursday between 11am – 5pm, whether just to drop of your HDPE plastic, or to do a bit of workshop maintenance – everyone is welcome. We are also hosting a drop in session for the Highland Food Growing Strategy on the 24th of January between 17:30 – 19:30, this is a free session for anyone who currently grows their own food or who would like to start growing their own food and will be a really good opportunity to discuss the support that could be given to allow people to grow their own food. If you are interested in attending this event, please book your ticket here or contact caroline@greenhive.co.uk due to the size of the hub space there will be limitations on numbers.
As always we are keen to hear from our membership about any ideas they have for events, whether new or to improve – come and see us at the Natter or pop Caroline an email caroline@greenhive.co.uk Happy January Green Hivers!