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Green Hive's ReFashion Experience

Sunday 12th November marked the long awaited and much-built up, ReFashion Edinburgh. Thanks to funding from Community Learning Exchange, 4 volunteers were able to accompany Caroline and Fiona to Leith Arches to soak in the full experience of the sustainable fashion show. It was nothing short of incredible!

The biggest thanks must go to the brains and vision for ReFashion Edinburgh, Alison or known within the fashion world as Psychomoda. Having secured 10 top sustainable designers to showcase their outfits, hats and designs, she also organised the venue, lighting, music and the models. Following weeks of promotion we were delighted to announce both shows, VIP tickets and the after-party were a sell out! The result being that Green Hive raised £1500!

One of our highlights was meeting the super talented Highland based designer, Prickly Thistle. We are already planning a future 'research' trip to their mill on the Black Isle and looking forward to future collaborations.

We have been given permission to use the video of the fashion show to share the experience with our community, thanks to Gillian L eslie Media and again a big than you to Alison Harm, Psychomoda. Check out the video

Following on from the incredible event, we regrouped as a team a Green Hive team on the Monday morning and went in search of inspiration in the capital city. We loved looking at the unique gifts and crafts created by local artists using recycled and reclaimed materials at The Leith Collective Everyone left inspired and full of ideas to bring back to Nairn, we know our fabrics group on Thursdays (at Seamans Hall 11-1) will be abuzz for months to come!

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