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Nairn River Enterprise Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2017

New members wanted to join our board.

The AGM takes place this year on Thursday 23rd November, starting at 7.30 pm in the Green Hive Hub at the Old Links School, Grant Street, Fishertown.

We will be delighted to receive applications from among our wider membership to join our board at the AGM. Board members are Directors and Trustees of the charity and steer the work of the organisation.

We are hoping in particular to receive applications from individuals with knowledge and interest in upcycling and recycling, and/or with financial management experience and experience of supporting charity or social enterprise finance systems.

Three of our current Directors were elected at the previous AGM held in October last year (Corinne Ferguson, Helena Harcourt Robinson and Simon Noble) and two more (Stephen Fuller and Alastair Simmons) were appointed during the intervening period. All of them propose to stand for re-election this year, so successful nominees will be joining a growing band of committed Green Hivers.

To become a member sign up on our website.

Apply to be elected to join our board by emailing us at telling us a little about yourself and why you’d like to stand.

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