Start off your October with some uplifting news
A big well done and thank you to our amazing volunteers at Hillcrest House - you have been such an important part of Green Hive throughout the years, participating in all of our activities and making us laugh with your stories and your warm
friendship. We are all so proud of you and the work you do. All of our volunteers play a vital part in helping Green Hive grow and thrive - we are so grateful for everything you do to make Nairn a great place to live!
Green Health Day
Join Nature 4 Health, Green Hive and Trees for Life on the 15th of October for a day of reconnecting with nature.
We are so excited to work alongside N4H and Trees for Life on this amazing and very much needed event.
You can book your tickets for this event via Eventbrite
There are a range of fun, nature based activities to get stuck into - Join N4H on a nature walk, help Green Hive gather up leaf fall for our leaf mulching bays, take part in a Trees for Life workshop session and much much more!
Make sure to book your tickets quick as we are anticipating lots of people will want to attend. The layout of this event has been designed with the 2 metre distance rule in place, and due to this there will be limitations on group size and session time to make sure everyone has enough space.
Caroline could use a hand from an experienced Green Hive volunteer in coordinating our leaf gathering activity - if you are interested in helping out, get in touch with Caroline here: caroline@greenhive.co.uk
Don't miss out!
There's still time left to sign up for our FREE webinar on identifying and managing invasive species with guest speaker Karen Muller from the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative - Friday 9th October at 3pm!
Sign up on eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/identifying-and-managing-invasive-species-tickets-123158338907
Missed out? You can check out our livestream of the video on our youtube channel here
Have your say!
In August we invited you to our Community Food Growing webinar where we discussed how to get started on a community food growing plan - we have an update for you!

The Highland council have now published their draft food growing strategy, Growing our Future and are looking for your input to this strategy at a public consultation.
You can read more about the consultation and download the strategy on the Highland council's website here: https://www.highland.gov.uk/news/article/12854/highland_council_seeking_views_on_growing_our_future You will have until the 23rd of November to get your views across on this super important issue - what support mechanisms do you want to see in place to help communities grow their own produce? What would you like to see here in Nairn?