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Souper Wednesdays Start in March

We have an exciting new project starting on the 6th March following our renovation of the kitchen. We secured some funding and had a generous individual donation which enabled us to upgrade the work surface and buy new appliances to ensure the kitchen is compliant with health and safety requirements for the preparation and serving of food. Led by the Souper, Mags, the team of volunteers including Elsa and Ronnie we are ready to offer soup to the community on Wednesdays at 12.

Souper Wednesdays are free of charge as we want to extend our charitable objectives and offer something to the community of Fishertown and Nairn.

Come along and enjoy a bowl of soup made by Mags, a wonderful chef. Soup will be served with bread courtesy Nairn Food Nest, working to reduce food waste in Nairn. All soup that is served is vegan. If you have any dietary considerations, you can speak to Mags as she serves up.

Souper Wednesdays In March

Wednesday 6th March 12-1.30pm. Serving soup and bread

Wedneday 13th March 12-1.30pm. Join us for a cuppa and chat

Wednesday 20th March 12-1.30pm. Serving soup and bread

Day Trip

Wednesday 27th March 10-3, enjoy a day out free of charge with Wild Things. Pick up at Seamans Hall at 10am, enjoy a day outing in March to see the wonderful Brodie Daffodils and we immersed in nature. This session includes teas, coffees and refreshments as well as transport and is primarily aimed at Over 60s. Register by contacting Fiona at Seamans Hall or email

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