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Upcoming dates in May

Bumblebags Sewing Group Saturday 11th May Saturday 8th June Green Hive Hub, Links Studios, Grant Street, Fishertown at 11am

Take part in our sewing group at the Green Hive hub, upcycle unwanted fabric to create reusable bags to be donated to local shops to reduce the number of plastic bags used in Nairn. Learn new skills and meet some new people.


New Friends and Natter Friday 17th May

Green Hive Hub, Links Studios, Grant Street, Fishertown, 10am-1pm

Open doors at our hub space, a chance to socialise with other Green Hivers, have a nice cuppa and some cake. All welcome.


Sailing Club Open Day Saturday 18th May Nairn Harbour, 10.30am-3pm

Green Hive will have a stall at the open day, come along and say hello, and meet some of our team.


Community Orchard Day Sunday 19th May Sunday 16th June Meet at Viewfield Community Orchard at 12.30pm

Lend a hand to keep the community orchard maintained and thriving. Tools and gloves provided and no experience necessary, just come along and join in.


Green Hive Annual General Meeting Thursday 23rd May, 7pm Nairn Sailing Club, Nairn Harbour (please note change of venue)

Celebrating the success of our volunteer community! Come and find out more about our exciting plans to create a recycling workshop, develop a community hub and launch our trial enterprise projects this year.


Nairn River Invasive Species Project Hogweed Hit Squad Friday 24th May

Tackling the more tricky invasive species, this day will involve use of pesticides. Volunteers will be supported by trained members of the SISI and Green Hive teams and all protective clothing and equipment will be provided. A perfect opportunity if you are already trained in spraying pesticides or would like to get some practical experience of these techniques. Get in touch in advance as numbers will be restricted for safety reasons on the day.


For more information on any of these dates please contact or 07453912697.



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© 2025 Nairn River Enterprise​®

Green Hive​® is a registered Scottish charity – number SC047727.
A company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland – company No. SC521561

Green Hive, the Green Hive logos and Nairn River Enterprise are all registered trademarks with ​the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO)

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