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Beach & River Clean-Up

A great community event organised by Green Hive with Nairn Sailing Club, Nairn Kayak Club and an artist from WASPS studios. It takes place on Sunday 27th November, starting at 10.30 at the Sailing Club. Don’t worry if you can’t get there ’til later – come on down when you can!

The Clean-up and litter pick will cover the riverside from the Maggot, possibly as far as Riverside Park, the harbour, the central beach and dunes and possibly also the first stretches of the East Beach and its dunes. Whilst for health & safety reasons only Sailing Club members will work on the harbour, everyone is welcome to attend. Under 16’s must be accompanied by adults – hopefully families will come along, maybe groups from scouts and guides etc.

Soup will be provided by the Sailing club.

Every volunteer participating in the Beach Clean will be entitled to FREE ENTRY to the ART IS RUBBISH competition where items found during the clean-up are used to create artwork. There will be two participating age groups: the 16 and overs and the under 16’s. The first 15 overall to sign up for the competition will able to attend a free ideas workshop on Sunday, December 4th, where they will see examples of art created from found items and talk through their own ideas. Participants will then work on their pieces at home with the aim of submitting their finished work for a free one-day exhibition at WASPS Links Studio on Sunday January 8th.

There’s a great prize for the category winners – a free taster session for all abilities on any size boat (from tiny dinghy to 40′ yacht) with the Sailing Club.

Even if you can’t make the day, please do pass on the information to friends, colleagues or family, just in case they hadn’t heard about it and might be interested in going along. We’d be delighted if you’d print off the poster and share it or ask to put it up in your church hall, local shop window or on your club or works notice board.

We’re posting it on Facebook so you can share the details easily with friends and contacts. Click the link here…

If you want to know more about the Art Competition check out the guidance note here.

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Green Hive​® is a registered Scottish charity – number SC047727.
A company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland – company No. SC521561

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