We are excited to announce that we are looking for someone to join the Green Hive Dream Team!
Green Hive has secured Highland Council HERO funding and we are now looking to find an eligible and suitable candidate for the role of Volunteer and Events Assistant - working directly with Caroline our Volunteer and Events Officer.
You can find the role description and eligibility criteria below, as well as a link to our application form.
Please note that the deadline for applications is 12pm on the 27th May 2022.
Find out more about the current Green Hive staff team on our Key People and Partners page.
About the Role
Job Description: Volunteer and Events Assistant
Hours: 25 per week
Pay: National Living Wage
Purpose of role:
To support the Volunteer and Events Officer (VEO) to develop volunteers, individually and collectively, in their engagement with Green Hive; work with volunteers supporting their development; facilitate the delivery of events; play a constructive role as part of the Green Hive team.
You will be supported with training opportunities and our aim will be to help you to gain new skills and experiences that will enable you to be a confident employee in this or future roles. You will have a role in developing and delivering events, both individually and as part of a team.
Main responsibilities:
Encourage and support volunteering with Green Hive
Develop and facilitate events and programmes to support the development of volunteers from diverse backgrounds, including those who experience barriers to participation
Run events that promote Green Hive’s objectives for the environment and community, including our active travel programme
Where necessary, support the work of our Enterprise and Project Officers, and work alongside the Enterprise and Project Assistant
Working with other members of staff, raise Green Hive’s positive profile in the community
Contribute to the development of Green Hive as a team, including our strategy, and in support of the Seaman’s Hall transition
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply individuals must fit the Highland Council HERO criteria as follows:
I am unemployed /not working (or about to complete a work experience placement such as Kickstart or Community Jobs Scotland)
I have not left another job voluntarily to take up this job
I am aged between 16-67 years
I have the right to live and work in the UK
I have my permanent residence within the Highland Council area
I agree that the Highland Council or its contractor will by prior arrangement with me and at a time that suits my employer, will be able to meet with me at my place of work for a maximum of 4 times per year for the purpose of discussing my progress in the job and identifying if I need any additional support to progress my employment opportunities.
More information about the Highland Council HERO programme can be found here.
Application and next steps
If you are interested in applying and meet all the above criteria, please click the below "Apply" button and complete the application form.
We don't require your CV at this stage, however, if you would like to submit a CV alongside your application please email your attachment to nre@greenhive.co.uk
(link not working? https://forms.gle/EDVmEsDqPW8ZJBTr6)
If you are successful, we will be in touch to invite you to an interview. All interviews will be held on the 1st June 2022, please leave this date free if you apply.
If you have any questions about the role or application process please contact us by email nre@greenhive.co.uk
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Thanks for reading and good luck with your application!