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Seaman's Hall becomes a community asset in Nairn

Green Hive has accepted the transfer of ownership of Seaman's Hall from the current trustees to bring the Fishertown hall into community ownership from the 17th November.

This is an exciting time with the Hall being retained for the community and a plan in place to ensure that it is here for the community for the next 135 years.

Simon Noble, Chair of Green Hive comments ‘this is a wonderful development for the people of Nairn having such a historic building coming back into use for the community and we at Green Hive are proud to become guardians of Seaman’s Hall. We have a plan and will do all in our power to secure it for future generations.’

Image credit: Hemsworth Images

L to R Simon Nobel, Chair, Green Hive, Ninian Coggs, Convenor, Seaman’s Hall Trustee

Over the coming months, there is much renovation work to make the building safe for limited use while a programme of fundraising is undertaken throughout 2023 for major re-development work. This work aims to commence in 2024 when the building will be closed so that contractors have full access to create the vision that has been developed for the Hall.

Ninian Coggs, convenor of the Hall trustees said, ‘Green Hive have shown enthusiasm and commitment to take on the task of being custodians of Seaman’s Hall for the future and ensuring that generations of Nairn’s residents can enjoy using the hall.’

Throughout this year plans have been drawn up and been through community consultation so that Green Hive know what funds are required to be raised to implement the vision for the building to bring this back into full community use. Full details of these plans can be viewed on the Green Hive website.

The initial timeline is to have the Hall available for limited use from Spring 2023. A new role of Operations Officer (Seaman’s Hall) has been created with recruitment ongoing in November to have in place to drive the project over the coming 2.5 years.

Over the winter Green Hive is asking for some patience from the community so that necessary upgrades can be made and would welcome hearing from anyone who wants to get involved with the project to get in touch.

Seaman’s Victoria Hall Summer update

Includes all plans for the hall and cost outline

Details of Operations Officer (Seaman’s Hall) Role

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