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Seaman’s Victoria Hall Update Summer 2022


It’s been a few months since our feasibility study fed back on the viability of Green Hive taking on the Seaman’s Victoria Hall in Nairn’s Fishertown.

With around 85% support through the public consultation process Green Hive are proceeding with the plan to purchase the building to bring it back into community use.

Please find all the consultant's reports below..

What is the timescale?

At the moment we plan to take ownership of the building in October 2022. This is all based on getting various surveys and inspections that are needed: roof and building condition, electrical, legionella, asbestos etc over the next few months – and there’s extra bureaucracy for some of the bigger ones

Now the timescale for being fully operational is a couple of years as there is a lot of work in terms of heating, electrics, toilets and general upgrades that need to happen, not to mention a lovely entrance, social space and viewing point on the riverside.

However, we are aiming to hold some of Green Hive’s activities at Seaman’s Hall from November and have it available to hire by community groups on a limited basis by the end of 2022 once we have the toilets operational and temporary heaters installed.

There will be a limit on the activities we will be able to hold because of licencing requirements until the Hall is fully converted and operational.

The timeline is to have the full refurbishment completed by mid 2025, all being well. Those of you that have worked with Victorian properties will know that we may not discover all the challenges until we start the work!

Keeping you up to date

We will keep you updated here and on our social media channels.

We’d be happy to come and speak with community groups who are interested in learning more. Please email us on to arrange for one of the team to visit.

To be kept up to date on everything Seaman’s Victoria Hall and Green Hive please sign up to our email newsletter at the bottom of the page.

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Green Hive​® is a registered Scottish charity – number SC047727.
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